How to capture star trails with an iPhone.

The night sky has always fascinated humanity, and capturing the mesmerizing beauty of star trails is a rewarding endeavor for photographers. While traditional astrophotography typically requires advanced gear, you can still create stunning star trail images using just your iPhone. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of capturing captivating star trails with your smartphone.

1. Find the Perfect Location:

Start by selecting a suitable location for your star trail photography. Choose a spot away from light pollution, ideally in a rural area or a dark sky preserve. A clear and moonless night is preferable for more defined star trails.

2. Essential Gear:

To capture star trails with your iPhone, you'll need:

  • iPhone (recent models have improved low-light capabilities)

  • A sturdy tripod

  • A reliable iPhone tripod mount or clamp

  • A fully charged iPhone

  • A remote shutter release (optional, but recommended for longer exposures)

3. Set Up Your iPhone:

  • Attach your iPhone to the tripod using the mount or clamp.

  • Open the default camera app on your iPhone.

  • Switch to Manual (Pro) mode or use a third-party camera app with manual controls. Apps like ProCamera, NightCap, or Slow Shutter Cam work well.

4. Adjust Camera Settings:

To capture star trails effectively, adjust the following camera settings:

  • Focus: Manually set the focus to infinity. This ensures that the stars are sharp and not blurred. You can do this by tapping on a distant object in your frame in some camera apps.

  • ISO: Keep the ISO as low as possible (typically around ISO 100-400) to minimize noise.

  • Shutter Speed: Use a long exposure. Start with a shutter speed of 15-30 seconds for shorter trails and increase it for longer trails. Experiment with different exposure times to achieve the desired effect.

  • Aperture: If your camera app allows it, use the widest aperture setting available (lowest f-number).

5. Frame Your Shot:

Compose your shot, keeping in mind the direction of the stars' movement. The North Star (Polaris) is a popular focal point for star trail photography because it remains relatively stationary in the night sky. You can use it as a central reference point and frame your shot accordingly.

6. Start Capturing:

Once you've set up your iPhone and composed your shot, start capturing:

  • Use the remote shutter release or the camera's timer function to prevent camera shake when starting and ending exposures.

  • Continuously capture a series of long-exposure images (e.g., 30 seconds each) for a minimum of 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the desired length of your star trails.

  • Be patient and avoid disturbing the camera or the tripod during the capture process.

7. Post-Processing:

After capturing your series of images, it's time to create star trails. There are several apps available, like StarStax (for desktop) or Star Trail (for iOS), that can help you stack and merge your images into one stunning star trail photograph.

8. Final Touches:

Once you have your star trail image, you can make final adjustments to brightness, contrast, and color balance using editing apps like Adobe Lightroom Mobile or Snapseed.


Capturing star trails with an iPhone is a rewarding experience that allows you to unlock the magic of the night sky without the need for specialized astrophotography gear. By choosing the right location, setting up your iPhone correctly, and employing post-processing techniques, you can create breathtaking star trail images that showcase the awe-inspiring beauty of the cosmos. So, grab your iPhone, head to a dark location, and let the stars paint their trails across your screen. Happy stargazing!


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