Best camera settings for milky way photography.

Photographing the Milky Way can be a magical and awe-inspiring experience, but achieving those stunning images requires the right camera settings. Whether you're a seasoned astrophotographer or a novice stargazer, this blog post will guide you through the essential camera settings for capturing the Milky Way in all its celestial glory.

1. Use a Sturdy Tripod:

Before diving into camera settings, ensure your camera is mounted on a stable tripod to eliminate any chance of camera shake during long exposures.

2. Manual Mode:

Set your camera to manual (M) mode to have full control over your settings. Shooting in automatic modes won't provide the flexibility needed for Milky Way photography.

3. Aperture (f-number):

Use a wide aperture (low f-number) to gather as much light as possible. Typically, f/2.8 or lower is ideal, as it allows more light to hit your camera's sensor and reveals more details in the Milky Way.

4. Shutter Speed:

The ideal shutter speed for Milky Way photography varies depending on the lens you're using and the effect you want to achieve:

  • Start with a shutter speed of around 20-30 seconds. This will prevent star trailing while capturing enough light to reveal the Milky Way's details.

  • For longer trails or to create more pronounced star movement, you can experiment with longer exposures, up to 45 seconds to 1 minute. However, be cautious, as longer exposures may introduce noise.

5. ISO Sensitivity:

Select a moderate to high ISO setting to make the Milky Way more visible:

  • Begin with ISO 1600-3200 to capture enough light for detailed Milky Way shots.

  • Adjust the ISO as needed based on your camera's capabilities and the ambient light conditions. Keep in mind that increasing the ISO can also introduce noise, so strike a balance between ISO and exposure time.

6. White Balance:

Set your white balance to "Daylight" or around 5500K to maintain natural color tones in your Milky Way images.

7. Focus:

Achieving sharp focus is crucial for Milky Way photography. Follow these steps to ensure your stars are pin-sharp:

  • Set your lens to manual focus.

  • Use Live View mode on your camera to zoom in on a bright star or distant object.

  • Manually adjust the focus ring until the stars appear as tiny, sharp points of light.

  • If your lens has a distance scale, you can also use it to set focus to infinity (∞).

8. Image Format:

Shoot in RAW format to capture the maximum amount of data and allow for more flexibility during post-processing.

9. Noise Reduction:

Consider enabling in-camera noise reduction for long exposures. This feature can help reduce noise but will also double the time it takes to capture each image.

10. Mirror Lock-Up and Remote Shutter Release:

Minimize vibrations by using mirror lock-up and a remote shutter release or self-timer function to trigger the camera.

11. Composition:

Frame your shot with an interesting foreground element, such as a tree, rock formation, or landmark. This adds depth and context to your Milky Way photograph.

12. Experiment and Review:

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different settings and review your shots as you go. Adjustments may be necessary based on the specific conditions of your shoot.


Capturing the Milky Way's cosmic beauty requires the right camera settings and a good understanding of your equipment. By using a wide aperture, appropriate shutter speed, and ISO sensitivity, along with sharp focus and proper composition, you can create stunning Milky Way images that showcase the wonders of the night sky. So, set up your camera, venture to a dark sky location, and let the Milky Way unveil itself through your lens. Happy stargazing and photography!


Best camera settings for night sky


How to find the milky way.