Best camera settings for capturing the Northern Lights.

The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, are a breathtaking natural phenomenon that captivates both photographers and stargazers alike. To capture the vivid colors and dancing lights of the Aurora, you'll need the right camera settings. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the best camera settings for Northern Lights photography, helping you create stunning images that showcase this celestial spectacle.

1. Camera Equipment:

Before we delve into settings, ensure you have the following equipment:

  • A DSLR or mirrorless camera with manual mode.

  • A wide-angle lens with a fast aperture (f/2.8 or lower) to gather more light.

  • A sturdy tripod to eliminate camera shake during long exposures.

  • A remote shutter release or intervalometer to trigger the camera without touching it.

2. Manual Mode:

Set your camera to manual (M) mode to have full control over settings. Manual mode is essential for capturing the Northern Lights effectively.

3. Aperture (f-number):

Use a wide aperture (low f-number) to allow more light into the lens:

  • Start with an aperture of f/2.8 or lower. This will help you capture the Northern Lights' vibrant colors and intricate details.

4. Shutter Speed:

Selecting the right shutter speed is crucial for Northern Lights photography:

  • Begin with a shutter speed of around 10-15 seconds. This is generally a good starting point to prevent star trailing and capture the fast-moving Aurora.

  • Adjust the shutter speed as needed based on the intensity and speed of the Aurora display. Shorter exposures (e.g., 5-10 seconds) may be required for very active displays, while longer exposures (up to 20 seconds) can emphasize the movement and patterns of the lights.

5. ISO Sensitivity:

Choose an ISO setting that balances light sensitivity and noise control:

  • Begin with an ISO range of 800-1600 for clean, low-noise images.

  • Increase the ISO as needed to brighten the Northern Lights, but be cautious, as higher ISO values can introduce more noise.

6. White Balance:

Set your white balance to "Daylight" or around 5500K to maintain natural color tones in your Northern Lights photos. Adjustments can be made during post-processing if necessary.

7. Focus:

Achieving precise focus is crucial for capturing the Northern Lights:

  • Set your lens to manual focus.

  • Use Live View mode on your camera to zoom in on a bright star or distant object.

  • Manually adjust the focus ring until the stars appear as tiny, sharp points of light.

  • If your lens has a distance scale, you can set focus to infinity (∞).

8. Image Format:

Capture images in RAW format to retain maximum data for post-processing. RAW files allow for greater flexibility when adjusting exposure and color later.

9. Noise Reduction:

Consider enabling in-camera noise reduction for long exposures to reduce noise, but be aware that it will double the time it takes to capture each image.

10. Mirror Lock-Up and Remote Shutter Release:

Minimize vibrations by using mirror lock-up and a remote shutter release or self-timer function to trigger the camera.

11. Composition:

Compose your shot with an interesting foreground element, such as trees, a frozen lake, or mountains, to add depth and context to your Northern Lights photos.

12. Experiment and Review:

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different settings and review your shots as you go. Adjustments may be necessary based on the specific conditions of the Aurora display and your desired outcomes.


Capturing the Northern Lights is a remarkable experience, and having the right camera settings is crucial for preserving their beauty. By using a wide aperture, appropriate shutter speed, ISO sensitivity, and precise focus, along with proper composition and equipment, you can create breathtaking images that showcase the awe-inspiring phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis. So, set up your camera, chase the Aurora, and let your lens capture the dazzling dance of lights in the Arctic skies. Happy Northern Lights photography!


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